Thursday, December 15, 2011

December 12, 2011

Wow, it has been a totally insane week, and I don't have enough time at all to write about it! But anways, my chinese is coming along quite well if any of you were wondering :). Really though, Elder Buss is teaching me! That's what we do in the car haha. Speaking of Chinese, we found a new chinese investigator this week named H, or Ava is her French name. She's a student and has only been here a month but studied french and speaks really well. She knows nothing about God, but we've already seen her a few times and she is progressing really well. She has a baptismal date for new year's eve. She's already best friends with like everyone at institute as well. We're so excited for her! In other chinese news, one of our recent converts, C, invited us over for dinner the other night. He usually makes really good chinese food (well, Taiwanese, he's from Taiwan and would be mad if I said Chinese haha). So we got there and there was rice on the table like usual. Then he brought out this meat dish and it was like nothing I'd ever seen. I asked him what it was and he just said beouf, so we went for it. At first we thought it was just fat or somethign cuz it wasn't really meat and it was all chewy and gelly like. It was really odd, so we asked, "C, what part of the cow is this?" - "The foot." Elder Buss and I took a second look at what we were eating, and sure enough, I was holding a cow's hoof in my hand and I was gnawing on the ankle, but we didn't notice at first because it was all brown and cooked. After realizing this, we both tried to contain our laughter while not throwing up. Probably the first time I've ever had that sensation before. Oh C.

The ward Christmas party was Saturday night, and Elder Buss and I did a song. I played guitar and we both sang. It was a song by a french member of the church. It"'s pretty cool, I'll try to send you a video. At the end of the video, you can hear C yell from the back of the auditorium super loud, "well done, Fish!!!" He calls me fish becquse the first time he met me we were at an English member's house, and when they said my name to him in their English accent, it sounded like "Tuna". So now I'm Fish. all the missionaries and the ward mission leader sang a hymn as well. It was far far away on Judea's plains, and we forgot to plan an accompaniment, so I had to make up one onthe spot on the guitar haha. It was intense. I think it worked out ok though.

The Lord blessed us with an amazing miracle this week. A couple weeks ago we found a new investigator named I. She is really sweet and we had a really good first lesson. Then a couple day sbefore our return appointment, she called and left a message and said she didn't want to see us anymore. We decided to let the Spirit do it's work and not call her back, because we knew she knew our message is true. A couple days later she called and left a message saying that she wants to see us again and that she knows that Joseph Smith is a prophet and wants to learn more. We saw her the next day and had a great lesson. I'm so thankful to be a missionary. It makes me realize how much teh Lord does for us. As I think back on this week, we didn't do anything special. We just worked, were obedient, and kept a positive attitude, and we saw so many miracles. I love Bordeaux. These last few weeks have been some of the best of my mission. Elder Buss is the man and I love working with him!

Since it's Christmas, Elder Buss and I decided to go out into a little forest today and cut down a little Christmas tree. I'll send pîcs. It's a long story. To make the story short, all we had was a leatherman. We have a tree now though!

There are so many more things I could write about this week, but don't have the time. The church is true and I love the Gospel because it makes people happy! Have a great week! Love you!

Elder Tudor

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