So, it was a crazy first week in Bergerac! Unfortunately the cyber café is closed and I only have a few minutes left on this free internet in the library (still with this blasted French keyboard too! But I'm getting better). Well the higlight of this week was definitely... the baptisms! A beautiful couple was baptized this week. Their names are Valerie and Emmanuel Bouchet. They've been taught since December. It was an amazing baptism and I can't wait to get to know them! We just started teaching their son (10 years old) named Gael, and just today he committed to baptism the 23 of July. We had planned to do it on my Birthday, but he'll be out of town for that weekend and the next one. Oh well! He's sweet! They have one other son, Guillame, who is 16 that we want to start teaching! Awesome stuff.
I had another cool experience this Friday. I went to a little town called Beynac et Cazenac (I think, look it up, it's amazing) to do a baptismal interview for one of Elder Dorton and Noyce's investigators in Brive. His name is Franc O'Mullan and he is Irish. His wife is a member and is less active. He has 9 kids that are all under 25 or so! The interview was sweet and he was baptized this Saturday in this beautiful river that runs through the town. You can see like 5 castles from the spot where he was baptized! His house is hundreds of years old and on the cliff above it is this massive castle/fotress where Richard the Lionheart once lived. He found a letter in his house that was written by the son of the first socialist in France that was written forever ago and he had to hand it over to the government haha. This town is old and full of history! I have to go back one day. It's beautiful! 5 of his kids are committed to baptism for July 16 too. I'm stoked!
Bergerac is so small. To give a picture, Perigeux (which is in my district) has about 3 times as many inhabitants as Bergerac, and in their newspaper one day under the column "top 10 things to do in Pergeux", being contacted by the Mormons was listed. Yep. Haha it's awesome though. It will be tough, but I'm stoked! We've got a few other sweet investigators that we've found and we're still searching. The Bouchets are gonna invite one of their friends over for a lesson tonight which is awesome! They're already doin missionary work!
I did an exchange in Bordeaux with Elder Wimmer yesterday (one of the zone leaders). He went to Orem high and will finish his mission in the next few months. He also went to Orchard a couple years, so we talked about people we both know. His cousin is Andie Young! Haha how funny is that. It was a fun exchange and we both learned a lot. We'll all be going to Bordeaux the 24th to see President and Soeur Carter for the last time. Super sad. I'll miss them! Well, my time's about up. Thanks for all your emails, letters, and support! It helps more than you think! I love you!
Elder Tudor