Wednesday, December 22, 2010

December 21, 2010

Zone Christmas Party

Joyeux Noel!
Bonjour tout le monde! Transfer calls were Friday..... and I'm staying in Nice! I'm glad because I already know the ward here and I can have a good Christmas with the members. I'm excited! Also, I received a new companion: Elder Graham from Spanish Fork. He was serving in Pau before he came here. He's pretty old in the mission and only has a few transfers left. I'm super happy to be companions with him! I've only been with him one day now, but I can tell he's going to be an awesome companion,and he's just a super nice guy. And the rest of the apartment is still the same, with Elders Dorton and Call staying here. This weekend we've got all kinds of invitations to eat with the members and celebrate Christmas. I'm excited to eat plenty of Buche de Noel. This past week was a good week. We didn't really have a lot of success as far as numbers ago, but we felt like we worked hard and at the end of the week. Saturday night we went (us and the other companionship) Christmas caroling for our investigators and less actives. We sang, gave them sugar cookies that we made,and gave them a Joy to the World DVD. It was super fun! We visited one of our old investigators, Nelito, who was going to be baptized last month, but then he said he didn'thave time. He was super happy to see us, and he even came to church the next day and we're going to see him this week! A little singing and gift giving goes a long way in missionary work apparently haha. But that was a huge blessing, and I'm so excited for him to continue and progress. I spent all of Monday in Marseilles waiting for Elder Graham to arrive on the train. I was with three other Elders, and we went and saw Notre Dame de la Gare, and ate "the best" kebab in Marseilles. Then I met up with Elder Graham at the train station and we got to Nice around 7 p.m. We had a rendez-vous right then. I felt bad for Elder Graham because we went right to a rdv and he was probably exhausted from starving all day, but he's a soldier. I love working with him! Right now I have some more responsibility because I know the area andour investigators,and he doesn't. I'm pretty excited to be able to do more of the work than I was doing and have more responsibility. Well I gotta go, but I love you all! Merry Christmas! During Christmas, remember the greatest gift that was ever given, which was the sacrifice of our Savior Jesus Christ for us all. I know that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, that he died for us all, and most importantly, that He lives! Let us think often of him this week and strive to have the pure love of Christ with us always and look to help and support others as He did. Remember, "Every good gift cometh of Christ" Moroni 10:18. Bonne fetes!

Elder Tudor

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