Thursday, May 10, 2012

May 7, 2012

Bonjour à tous,

So... right now I am in..... MONTAUBAN! (pronounced moan-toe-bawn) With Elder Tromeur.  I guess it was finally time to leave Bordeaux.  It was weird the last few days.  I knew I was leaving, but Bordeaux became like my home and I felt like I was never going to leave!  It was really sad to say goodbye those in bordeaux.  A part of my heart will always be in Bordeaux.  A BIG part of it.

So now I'm here in Montauban which is a small town in the Toulouse zone.  I'm SO blessed to be here.  This place has been exploding with families being baptized all over the place.  With members moving in, less actives reactivated, and baptisms, the branch has about doubled since last August or September.  It's as big as a ward now, they just don't have enough priesthood so it's still a branch.  I'm so excited!  Elder Ormond was here for 5 transfers and I replaced him.  He did  some amazing work here.  It's a weird feeling knowing that th is will probably be my last area.  I wish I had more transfers to stay here!  Elder Tromeur is a stud.  He's from Italy and speaks a million languages.  Apparently they've been baptizing romanians here as well so I'll get to keep practicing my  romanian.  As well, they've basically got like an entire slovokian branch going on haha.  I'm excited to get to know everyone these next few weeks and get used to the area. I'm district leader again and I'm really excited about that cuz I learned a lot abotu being a district leader while I was zone leader haha.  I'll miss ZL councils though.

My last week in Bordeaux was so crazy.  We went to Arcachon on monday with some members and the sisters and had a blast!  We ran up and down the massive dune.  I was exhausted.  We also took a boat tour of the bay.  It is one of hte most beautiful places I've ever seen.  Then we took off to jedi council on the plane that night and arrived in Lyon pretty late.  Jedi council was great.  I told president about our cowboy night and he said, "A man from Dubai and a man who looks like a banker are putting on a cowboy show in Dubai."  Apparently I look like a banker haha but it was funny because Elder Gubbay is a banker actually so I thought he had described Elder Gubbay twice.  Anyways, the cowboy night was incredible.  It was a huge success.  There were almost 200 people there!!  A bunch of families brought investigators and everything.  It was so great.  We put on a great show as well.  We had a historic powerpoint presentation that was pretty funny then a saloon scene skit with the YSA that was hilarious.  Then the Johnstons (the seniour missionary couple from Mont de marsan) did a fiddle and guitar duo, and we ended with line dancing.  It was a great time for all three wards to get together and just have fun and build unity.  We had barbecues and everything.  It was a ton of work, but totally worth it.  And there was so much food!

Unfortunately, none of the baptisms went through this week.  D and G didn't get back from vacation on time, but they're both still on track for baptism.  S Y couldn't get work off on Sundays, but miraculously he found a friend who is willing to replace him on Sundays who is moving to Bordeaux at the end of the month.  So he'll be baptized then.  He's so ready for baptism though. 

I'm really going to miss Bordeaux.  It wasn't easy to leave.  I've been so blessed to know the people I know over there.  Great news though - guess who is replacing me?  Elder Dorton!!! I was so happy to hear that!!  He and Elder Gubbay are going to tear it up.  I have no worries there.  Elder Dorton is such a stud. 

There are a lot of emotions going on in me right now.  But I think the strongest one is that of joy.  When I found out I was being transfered, I took my scriptures and opened up to D&C 18 and read about the worth of souls.  I think one of the most incredible truths found in the gospel is that of eternity.  Everything in the gospel is eternal.  I know that the people in my life and the people I'm meeting on my mission and that I love so dearly will be with me for eternity.  These relationships don't end!  I think there is nothing more beautiful than this doctrine.  "How great will be your joy with them in the kingdom of My Father!"  I love my mission.  I don't want to go home.  The sadness of leaving these people I love is overpowered by the knowledge and testimony that God has prepared a perfect plan of happiness so that everything that brings true happiness to His children are eternal.  I know the gospel is true.  The love we feel through the Savior, His servants, and His gospel, changes people.  I miss all of you and love you.  I'm so happy to hear about my new nephew Dawson!!! I love the name!  Salut Dawson!  Bisou!  I'll send some pics of the cowboy night.  Have a great week!


Elder Tudor

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