Wednesday, April 25, 2012

April 23, 2012


It was a wild week!  I'm having a hard time remembering what happened.  We haven't heard from T yet, unfortunately.  But our other amis are doing great.  S Y, the new chinese guy that W X brought to church, is looking great for the 5th, as well as D and G.  T H, a former investigator,  is committed for hte 5th as well now.  S Y is a complete stud.  We haven't even taught him the commandments yet, but he has already stopped smoking and drinking without us even asking.  He is SO ready.  He understands the doctrine like someone who has spent a long time in the church and we only met him last week.  He's like the chinense version of T haha.  So, things are going great, and we're on the hunt for new amis this week as always. 

We've been focusing a lot on finding the elect lately.  Sometimes as missionaries, you can get stuck in the rut of teaching the same people that progress a bit, but aren't really progressing towards baptism.  We've couselled our zone to let all those people go and give them to the Lord til they're ready to progress.  In diong this, we've found so many amazing people.  Ever since we started handing people over to the Lord adn telling the Lord that we would go out and look for those He has already prepared, He has showered His blessings upon us with the most amazing people I've met on my mission.  We don't have as many investigators nor as many lessons as before, but we have 4 or 5 solid people that want to be baptized, something I've never seen on my mission.

Our recent converts are doing fantastic.  A got the priesthood on Sunday.  W X is doing so good as well.  She showed me a couple yoga moves to improve my posture haha.  The D's are doing ok, just a lot is going on now with them trying to get a titre de séjour and finding work and stuff.  R is still the funniest guy I've ever met and is diong great in his calling as sunday school teacher. 

This week we have interviews with president, then the week after that we get transfer calls.  So crazy.  Time is flying!  I think I'll leave Bordeaux in a couple weeks, but I don't want to.  If I did leave, I would want to train.  I'm having a blast with Elder Gubbay and we're blessed with seeing so many miracles. 

A miracle real quick!  I did an exchagne with elder Brown in Agen on Wednesday.  All our lessons fell through and we contacted ALL DAY.  In the morning I met this guy named Mr R who didn't believe in God, but when I told him what God's plan and the Gospel did for my family and what it could do for his, he agreed to see us on Friday.  Then later in the day, Elder Brown and I were both contacting someone, but I felt liek I should leave the contact and talk to other people.  I saw a lady in her 30's with a stroller and went and talked to her.   Her name was L.  I found out that she believes in God but has totally lost confidence in what men say about Him and therefore has no religion.  I testified of the restoration, prophets, and the Book of Mormon.  By this time Elder Brown had come over and we asked her if we could bring by the book another day.  She said she didn't want to give us any contact info, but we decided to leave her with a copy of the BoM  anyways, which we usually don't do.  She was really pleased and said she'd read and pray to know if it was true and if there were prophets on the earth.  Friday night I got a call from Elder Brown.  It ends up that Mr. R is S's husband!  They went to their house on Firday night and were able to teach the restoration to their whole family and they agreed to meet with them a second time.  I know the Lord puts people in our path for a reason, and He always provides ways for His children to hear the Gospel message when they're ready to.

Well, Gotta go, but have a great week everyone.  Love you!

Elder Tudor

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