Sunday, March 25, 2012

March 19, 2012

Bonjour everyone,
It was a really short week! I feel like I was just here yesterday writing you. We had zone conference and that went great. It was really successful. It was really stressful though as usual. We also did an exchange with the assistants. Everyone is doing well. We're finding some great new people and kind if cycling through some investigators who aren't showing much progress. We'll give them to the Lord for now and when they're ready He'll bring them the Gospel again. Last week on monday night we went to the fair with the Wilkey and the D family. That was a riot. Unfortunately we're not allowed to go on the rides. We probaly would have died though, so it's a good thing. They look as sketchy as the carnival rides in the US.
We're still seeing W X and she's still doing great! She should be baptized on the 7th. A is super busy with work now and we can't really see her. Good news though, she's moving by us and we'll be able to see her a lot easier (she used to live forever away on the other side of the river). The D's are doing ok. They need a lot of prayers, please. They're going through some marital issues and we're desperately trying to help them, but it's between them and God, so they need a lot of prayers! Other than that, things are great.
I can't believe it's the last week of the transfer!!! That's ridiculous! Time is flying and it's not stopping. Every transfer gets faster and faster. I really hope I get to stay in Bordeaux. I love so many people here. But come what may. I'll be happy either way. I know that prayer works. God hears us. Sometimes it's hard to tell. To be honest, there have been times where I've felt lilke I'm just talking to myself, but when I see and feel answers to my prayers, I know Heavenly Father listens. I love the example of Enos in the Book of Mormon. It says that his voice reached Heaven. I think often when we pray, we don't pray in a manner that would allow our voice to reach heaven. Our souls must hunger after righteousness and divine aid. We must poor out our souls to God in prayer. This week I've felt the strength that comes from doing so. I've felt more confident and more prepared to face the day and be an instrument in the Lord's hands. It's incredible to think that God hears each one of us and is with each one of us - but He is! For me, prayer is a proof of God's love. I know He takes the time to listen to each one of us and that He answers according to His own wisdom and not our own. Our goal is to align our will with His through prayer. I'm so thankful for prayer. It's something so simple, but if we think about it, it is truly a miracle. Sorry, this is short. I had to look at classes for registration. Have a great week though! Love you!
Gros bisous,
Elder Tudor

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