Monday, September 26, 2011

September 26, 2011

Well it was a crazy week! I can't believe the end of the transfer is already coming up - we're already starting the 5th week! Crazy. I'm loving it though. Bergerac is doing alright. It's a small town to be in for a long time haha. We see the same roads and the same people every day, but I love it. We didn't see as much success as we would have wnated this week, but that's alright. We only had one investigator come to c hurch when there were a lot more planning on it, which is always disappointing, but that'll come! A is still doing great! She's the sweetest lady ever. She might have a couple things to overcome before her baptism, but we have faith that everything will be alright (She told us she doesn't drink alcohol, but the B's do her groceries for her, and they told us that she asks for wine each time... so we're not sure what's going on there haha, but we'll see). Elder Willett and I are really trying to do our best to find joy in the work (not that we don't usually, we just wanna have as much fun and work as hard as possible!) The other day we crossed a guy on our bikes who was playing basketball in the street, and we decided to stop and play a little round of horse haha. He probably thought we were super weird in our shirts and ties. It was a sweet experience though. He ended up being pretty young actually - 15 - but looked older. He couldn't believe we had been to NBA games haha. He plays on a club team in the region and dreams of seeing NBA stars. He was surprised we were two short white guys, because when he thinks of americans playing basketball he thinks of giant black men haha. We shot around for about 15 minutes then went on our way. We asked the kid if he or his family would be interested and he said no, but it was cool because it showed the kid we're human beings too! Who knows, maybe he'll meet Elders in the future and remember of his basketball game with them and be more open! Haha it was just a fun opportunity when we had a few extra minutes - and we hadn't shot a basketball in ages! (we also got to know french basketball lingo as well :)) We also had a branch talent show which was funny. Bro B demonstrated self defense (he was in the army) and I was his subject for part of the time. It was scary. A miracle happened during hte talent show too - the T's showed up out of nowhere! We haven't even been able to contact them for over two weeks and they came to the talent show! We have no idea how - we think a member called them, but it was so awesome. They're doing good. V found a litltle job picking grapes in a vineyard, but apparently it's really hard and long. She's having a really hard time. F brought her guitar, and naturally everyone started yelling "elder Tudor play something!" just on the spot. They eventually convinced me to do it so I played a number for them (Hallelujah - requested by V. I decided it was ok since basically all the lyrics are taken from the Bible haha). I couldn't remember all the words, but I could've made up whatever I wanted since none of them understood haha. It was fun. Then at the end I accompanied the closing hymn. It was cool to be able to share some music! It's been awhile!
In Priesthood the lesson was on President Monson's talk about the temple from the last general conference. For the first time since I left the MTC, I realized just how much I miss the temple! I really felt the Spirit during the lesson and felt a huge desire to go to the temple. I thought about all these members in France who don't even have one yet that's within 800 km. Even if they're going to build one in Paris soon, it will be just as far away for these people that live in the South as the other temples are. We are so blessed to have so many temples so close! When I get back, I'm not going to take it for granted. Every week! That's my goal. We're so luck to have the restored Gospel. The temple is one of the evidences of the restored Gospel, and I know that the sacred ordinances that happen there are done by the power and authority of the Priesthood. It's also the evidence that God loves all His children. Just think of how many people have died without ordinances! The B family is getting ready to go to the temple to do baptisms for the dead. They've prepared thousands of names already - it's incredible! I'm so excited for them! And I found out that they will be doing their endowment and getting sealed at the beginning of August next year - which is right when I'll finish my mission. I wanna go to their sealing so bad! (it will be at the Madrid temple) That would be so amazing to see. I love this work. I know that the family can be eternal, and that the principles and ordinances of the Gospel are true and eternal, and they are the key to our eternal happiness as families. Working among His children has helped me see just how marvelous the plan of our Heavenly Father is. I love the people here in Bergerac, and I wish they would all accept the Gospel! I wish that God's plan could be brought about for every one of His children, but just seeing a handful receive it has already brought me more joy than I've ever felt in my life. This is God's work! I know it. Have a great week everyone, love you!
Much love,
Elder Tudor

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